Samuel Broteez

Character Sheet

PS: Sorry Apple users, I developed this before I learned that Apple CSS is differnet from literally any other CSS

Cave In - Owl City


Trigger Warnings

Depression, suicide, drug addiction



I. Teaser

II. Basic info

III. Health and Abilities

IV. Appearance

V. Personality

VI. Self Perception

VII. Relations

VIII. Roleplay Info

“Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place.”


Slowly, the boy flutters his eyes open. Where is he? What happened? He looks around to get a sense of his surroundings. The boy seems to be in a fairly old house. The plumbing drums and creaks, the soft green paint on the walls has started to chip away over time, and the cushions of the dark couch he's on are rough and worn down. Despite that, the place as a whole has a warm and inviting atmosphere, and he can't quite place why. Whatever this place is, the room he's in looks to be a living room. There are two couches that face each other with a coffee table in between them. A searing hot wave of pain jolts up his arm when the boy tries to sit up. He inhales sharply and falls back onto the couch, now remembering what happened before he somehow got here. There was a wolf attack. He's lucky he was able to fend them off for the most part, even if he didn't make it out unharmed. But how did he get here? He looks down at his arm, finally noticing the bandage wrapped around the wound, which fresh blood starts to stain. He must've opened the wound again when he tried to sit up. Who bandaged his arm though? The boy doesn't have to wonder for long, as a green eyed blonde takes a seat on the couch across from him. "Don't strain yourself, you're safe here. You were attacked, so I brought you here to heal you," the blonde says, his voice... Oh, his voice is so soft and gentle. That alone is almost enough to soothe the boy. "W-who are you?" The blonde smiles politely, a shy kind of smile. "I'm Sam. Who I am doesn't matter though, you should focus on resting so your arm can heal."

“Don't worry about me, I just want you to be happy.”

Basic Info

“Just give me a week, that's all I need. We can fix this,
you just have to trust me.”

Health and Abilities

“I know it may feel like you're stranded in an endless ocean
with nobody to throw you a life jacket, but it doesn't have to be that way.”


“I'm not cute, that's childish, and I'm certainly not a child.”


“There's someone out there that's right for everyone. Wait, don't try to turn that around on me, that's ridiculous. Blasphemy. Nobody cares about me.”


“Stop lying to yourself, you are good enough. You deserve a good life, everyone does.”


“Everyone deserves to be given the chance to change.”

Roleplay Info