Elliot Evans

Character Sheet

PS: Sorry Apple users, I developed this before I learned that Apple CSS is differnet from literally any other CSS

Mr. Johnson - David Reid


Trigger Warnings



This character has a mental illness that is very often stereotyped. I will try my best not to stereotype the mental illness and portray it as accurately as I can, but I do not claim to know or understand every aspect of it.



I. Teaser

II. Basic info

III. Health and Abilities

IV. Appearance

V. Personality

VI. Self Perception

VII. Relations

VIII. Roleplay Info

โ€œI don't have much time left.โ€


"Get back to work then!" The scrawny man commands the group of scientists, who were previously coming to him to report an issue with the latest experiment. "What do I pay you for?""Sir, you don't pay us-" One of the scientists speak up.He doesn't have time for this. He can feel the mutation about to kick in again, he needs to get back to his office asap. "I don't care, just get back to work and fix it! We don't have much more time." With that, he walks off to get back to his office. By now, the scientists are used to him just walking off like that, and they all know exactly what's happening.Pain, so much pain. Elliot barely makes it back to his office in time, quickly shutting and locking the door behind himself. His legs give out, he crumbles to the ground as the mutation wins again. Unbearable pain shoots through his body as he can feel his bone being crushed and pulled further inward. It's excruciating.But this is what he deserves. He created what caused this, he's the cause of the suffering of hundreds others. Everyone will be glad when the mutation fully devours him from the inside out until he no longer exists. The world will be a better place once he leaves. And he'll no longer have to put up with this pain... He just wants the scientists to finish making a cure. It doesn't matter if it's too late for him, nobody else should have to feel this pain. But it's been a decade.The cure may never be developed. He will die in pain, alone. And he may never get the chance to right his wrongs before he leaves.

โ€œI never meant to hurt everyone so much, I just...
That's all I know how to do.โ€

Basic Info

โ€œIt's karma; I am now fading out of existence
because of my own creation.โ€

Health and Abilities

โ€œSometimes it feels like I'm stranded
in an endless sea, all by myself,
but other times that sea is only the size of a cup...โ€


โ€œI... I don't know what makes me happyโ€


Closest Stereotype

Grump old man

Overall Description

Since Elliot has DID, here's a quick description of his main alters.



Elliot does not know that he has DID, he's not aware of it. He knows that he keeps forgetting large chunks of time seemingly out of nowhere, but he's never heard of DID, so he never even thought to consider it possibly being a mental illness.

Anyway, Elliot is very playful and creative. He loves cats and making DIY stuff. Sometimes, he can be quite depressing, but if you can get him to stop being a grumpy old man, he's really fun.



Veronica is the gatekeeper. So, she's aware of all of the trauma. So, she's very cold and emotionless. She rarely ever fronts, since she's supposed to be the one keeping track of who's fronting and whatnot. Her job is not to be an alter who fronts. But she will if she really has to. She is friends with some of the other alters, but she mainly keeps her distance.



Chance is most likely to come out if Elliot is freaking out, since he's a protector. Unless Elliot's freaking out over something sexual or physical, then someone else might front, if it is going to be a protector that fronts. Anyway, Chance is a Chef. He loves to bake. He's also very mischievous, just like Elliot. In the inner world, he's always messing with the other alters. Except for the ones he can't access, obviously. But the main ones that are not blocked off by the mind, he's always messing around with them.



Oliver is a sweet and caring boi. He tends to get triggered to front when the topic of children is brought up. He loves children. In the inner world, he's a babysitter, always taking care of the littles. He also loves to garden. He's quite the green thumb.

He is not nearly as playful as the others, he's much more shy and introverted. And when he fronts, his laugh is so cute. He's more shy than Elliot, so he'll always try to quiet himself down and hide his face.


Protector - Trauma holder

Kat is a trauma holder. Not going to say what trauma, but she is one of the trauma holders. She's not as playful as the others, but she can be. In the inner world, she's really strong. She's a cop, and she cares a lot about safety. And she hates that the systems body is so weak since Elliot refuses to work out his arms, ever. She's likely to front when something more physical is triggering Elliot. But she doesn't front that often, she mainly resides in the inner world.


Persecutor - Trauma holder

This is Kat's brother within the inner world. He is the MAIN trauma holder. Kat took some of the trauma, but Dark holds most of it. He's very skittish and impulsive. He can be quite violent, but it's a self defense. If you can get him to trust you, he will learn to let his guard down. Despite the body being 40-something years old, Dark is still only a teenager. And in the inner world, he's still living with the introject of Elliot's father, separated from the rest of the alters. He's still reliving the same trauma, over and over again. When he fronts, he's very suspicious of everyone, assuming the worst. He doesn't want to end up being tricked or taken advantage of. He is not an "evil alter," that doesn't exist. He's a traumatized child who doesn't know how to protect himself in any ways other than lashing out.


Running. He used to be on the track team when he was in school. He just kind of broke his habit of going for a run every day. But he still has that speed

Height. He's kind of like a cat in that aspect, he likes being able to be at the top, watching over everything else. But with his age and the fact the mutation is literally making him shorter and shorter, he's not going to be rock climbing or anything any time soon

Cats, kittens. He loves cats, and he would just cuddle up with a bunch if he could


Being taken advantage of / overpowered. He likes to be in control, and he doesn't like anyone forcibly taking control

Anyone who doesn't like cats >:(

People who try to hug or do anything physical to him without his consent. He likes his space and he kind of freaks out if someone he doesn't fully trust tries to hug him. You have to give him time

Positive Traits

He isn't going to abandon anyone, he's loyal. To a dangerous extent, but hey, it's the thought that counts

Efficient, he built an entire lab from ground up by himself and made it work. And he did so relatively quickly

Creative and innovative, he makes things work out even when he doesn't have sufficient materials

He has good intentions. Yes, he's a bad guy and he's done terrible things, but for most of them, he thought it was good

When he starts something, he is committed. He doesn't quit or give up on anything

Charismatic when it comes to persuading someone into doing his bidding

Negative Traits

He hates losing, he's a sore loser. He will be silently plotting how he's going to make his opponent pay for beating him

He doesn't let things go, he doesn't move on. He just holds onto this burning hatred towards everyone who has broken his trust, and it's very hard for him to move past that hatred and learn to forgive

Self-centered. He may TRY to stop being so self-centered, but he has difficulty understanding other people and their viewpoints, and he's a sore loser, so clearly his opinion should just be taken as fact

Very judgmental of others

Stubborn. Really stubborn


Death. No, he's not just scared because he's dying, he's scared because of what he's leaving behind, who's going to remember him or even care that he's gone. He's going to die soon, and he has nobody who will be sad that he's gone, nobody who will cherish his memory. When he leaves this earth, the only thing he'll be known for is being an asshole, everyone will be relieved that he's gone. "Thank God, that psycho will finally leave me alone!" He's terrified that his father will be right: He's just an ignorant jerk who can't do anything for himself and needs everyone else to do every little thing for him. He's a disappointment. And it's too late to try and fix any of it. He almost wishes he could just die faster, then he wouldn't have to be stuck just waiting for his story to come to an end. Just waiting is more painful than anything. He's the one who caused the mutation that's slowly breaking him down piece by piece, even if they do find a cure, does he really deserve it? Maybe God wanted him to die. He has nothing to live for anyway

Guns. He does make his guards have guns, but they're not allowed to take them out around him

The unknown




Love Language(s)

Quality Time: This love language is all about giving your undivided attention to that one special person, without the distraction of television, phone screens, or any other outside interference. They have a strong desire to actively spend time with their significant other, having meaningful conversations or sharing recreational activities.


He doesn't like being on camera. He can operate a whole security system, but he hates being filmed

Kind of a minimalist. He doesn't like having / owning things that have no purpose of function to be there, and thus keeps most things empty and clean

He knows how to perform Irish tap dancing

โ€œNico hates me, my son hates me,
my mother couldn't bear to stay with me, maybe...
Maybe I'm just meant to be alone.โ€


โ€œYou really thought that would work?
You really thought that would trick me~?โ€


โ€œI've fought death for over a decade.
It's time I give up and let him take me.โ€

Roleplay Info