Adam Zondervan

Character Sheet

Cave In - Owl City


Trigger Warnings

Depression, suicide, drug addiction



I. Teaser

II. Basic info

III. Health and Abilities

IV. Appearance

V. Personality

VI. Self Perception

VII. Relations

VIII. Roleplay Info

“It's not hard to make someone cry from being upset; it's harder to make someone cry from laughing, and that is my goal.”


“Me? Cheating at connect four? Noooo~ It doesn't say anything about tickling in the rule book!”

Basic Info

“Laughter is the best medicine”

Health and Abilities

“I know I'm cute~”


“What is there to like about me? Well... I'm funny?”


“I only use my diary to be able to remember everything, so, s-sh... Shut up!”


“Three feet, you're in my bubble.”


“Every one needs to loosen up a bit. We've all gotten stressed and weighed down with work and society that we've forgotten what life is truly meant for. To be happy.”

Roleplay Info